Theological Table Talk:
The CCS Podcast
Welcome to Theological Table Talk, the Center for Christian Studies podcast! The name Theological Table Talk, is significant. First of all, it conveys the content, which is broadly theological. Some of it will overlap with topics found in the Journal of Christian Studies, but in a conversational and more laid back presentation. In some ways, such episodes will provide a supplement and helpful background for engaging the material in our journal issues and books. Other episodes, however, may have nothing directly to do with our other materials, but they will just be conversations we need or want to have. But it will all come back to theology (broadly conceived). (If you’re familiar with Martin Luther’s Table Talk, then you know how theological or non-theological such talk can be.)
Second, these conversations happen around a table—sometimes literally, usually metaphorically. No, you won’t hear us chewing, but the point is to get people around a table for genuine dialogue about things that matter. The table is meant to convey hospitality, and just as we invite experts and colleagues in to talk, we also want listeners to feel welcome around our table. And we invite listeners to suggest topics for future episodes.
Listen and subscribe to Theological Table Talk for free through Spotify or Apple. The episodes are also available at the CCS YouTube page. Be sure to follow or subscribe so that you will be notified when new episodes are released.
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